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Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI)

Setting the Standard for Alzheimer Research

Rules for use of the NPI Print E-mail
  • Terms and ConditionsThe NPI is copyrighted by Jeffrey L Cummings, MD
  • There is a charge for use of the NPI by pharmaceutical companies in commercial clinical trials (click “Use of the NPI in clinical trials and obtaining the instrument” for more information)
  • The NPI can be downloaded and used without charge by any academic investigator using the instrument in noncommercial studies
  • Any use of the NPI must accompanied by an acknowledgement of the source of the NPI
  • All NPI case report forms must carry the copyright notification (© JL Cummings, 1994, all rights reserved; permission for commercial use required;
  • The NPI or portions thereof may not be republished without the permission of the originator:  any republication must carry the copyright notification (© JL Cummings, 1994, all rights reserved; permission for commercial use required;
  • Appropriate use of the NPI is the responsibility of the user; Dr. Cummings does not indemnify the use of the NPI or in any way guarantee the results of clinical trials in which the NPI is used; the responsibility for quality application of the NPI rests entirely with the user.

Pharmaceutical Companies

Get the Commercial npiTest Now, click here!

Academic Investigators

Get the Academic npiTest Now, click here!